Sho-Me Technologies is a subsidiary of Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative in Marshfield, MO. Sho-Me Technologies operates an advanced optical network spanning electric transmission lines in Missouri. What began as an upgrade to the extensive internal communications network has now grown to encompass over 4,700 miles of fiber optic connectivity. With over 120 Points of Presence, Sho-Me Technologies boasts the highest coverage of optical bandwidth in the area.
Local access to the network is accomplished through an extensive interconnection with rural electric cooperatives, regional power companies, municipal power companies, cable television providers and local telephone companies. With co-location facilities in major Points of Presence, Sho-Me Technologies also has interconnection with other carriers, gaining access to anywhere in the world.
The Sho-Me Technologies network is continually expanding into new geographic areas and new technologies. With the freedom of a technically advanced, all-optical network, growth into other markets with new products is rapid and flexible. With fiber optic facilities in place, your network can seamlessly expand into new technologies.
Sho-Me Technologies is dedicated to providing the best possible customer service. From initial contact to circuit turn-up and billing, through 24/7 technical support, you will receive the utmost in personal service. We excel in the personal touch. Developing a relationship with our customers is one of the unique qualities that sets Sho-Me Technologies apart from traditional carriers.